Stan Rothman
July 29, 1941 - April 23, 2022

Check out the Ham Radio Equipment for Sale

Stan Rothman

Stan asked the Board and me to Liquidate His Ham Equipment, and this site catalogs the equipment for sale and the suggested price.

Stan Rothman / WA2NRV passed away April 23rd at the ripe old age of 80!  Stan was a long-time member of the Westchester Emergency Communications Association. 

He served on the Board of Directors for many years and was our Club President at one time. 

As the current Director-at-Large, Stan served as the liaison between members and the Board to present ideas that members suggested to him.

He was a staunch advocate that WECA is more than a Ham Radio Club; he insisted to all that we are Family. 

Whenever there was someone who was ill, in the hospital or had a happy event, he would send a personal card to cheer them up and show that we, as a group, cared about them. He also sent cards to the family members of an SK (Silent Key referring to someone who has passed and no longer could use a Morse Code Key).

Stan always talked about Club Projects, hidden transmitter hunts, and getting the members together for some social event. He led our VE (Volunteer Examiner) -- FCC Ham Radio Licensing Examination team.

He headed both our Elmer Program -- giving support to members who needed some specific help and headed the WA2NRV Loan Closet, which lent out equipment for those who wanted to try something before investing in buying equipment for themselves.

He was Larger Than Life within WECA, and his shoes will be impossible to fill.


How this will work:

You will have the opportunity to buy from this website.

Click the "Add to Cart" and after you have selected all of the items you want to buy, scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Cart symbot. The payment page will appear. PLEASE put your cell phone number in the PHONE FIELD so I can call you to confirm and to arrange the time and place for equiptment pick up.

Your final purchase price will include the 8.38% sales tax that we must collect and remit to New York State. 

While WECA has 501(c)3 charitable status, your purchase is NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE as you are receiving something of value. 

If this sale works out we intend to consider making an online Store where you can list anything you want to sell and receive the proceeds.

I will contact your CELL PHONE NUMBER so we can arrange a time for you to pick up the items at Stan and Reva's home with me.

Everything is working as far as we know, with some items that list known problems that Stan listed for them. No One has tested any of the equipment, but Stan was on the Air every day on various VHF as well as HF Nets and was on the WECA-sponsored SDN Southern District 9:30 PM Net at the time that they had to call EMS to transport him to the Hospital.

Assume all sales are final. If something does not work, we can see if and how to accept a return with a refund (less any fees we had to pay to Stripe who is the credit card processor.)

Contact me with any questions

Simon KD2DOE

KD2DOE (at)

Sold out

Kenwood TS-850S HF Transceiver

The Kenwood TS-850S is a competition class transceiver designed for the serious radio operator.

Sold out
Sold out

Astron RS-70M Power Supply

When you are in need of a reliable DC power supply, look no further than Astron Power Supplies. This line of linear DC power supplies are made of heavy-duty, high-quality materials.

Sold out

Kenwood TL-922A Linear Amplifier

The Kenwood TL-922A HF linear amp is designed to provide the maximum legal power

$ 2,000.00
$ 3,500.00
Sold out

Ameritron ATR-30 Antenna Tuner

Ameritron ATR-30 Antenna Tuners are high-powered manual antenna tuners.

Sold out

MFJ 1704 4-Position Switch

Instantly selecting any of four antennas or center ground positions.

$ 70.00

MFJ -432 Voice Keyer

Voice keyers call CQ, send your call, and do contest exchanges for you in your own natural voice.

$ 50.00
Sold out

Larsen NLA-MM Magnet Antenna Mount NMO

The NMO mount is a premium Motorola-style 3/4” hole mount.

Sold out

MW S-350-12 Switching Power Supplies 450W 12V 37.5A

Connect all of your 12 volt equipment to a reliable Switching Power Supply source.

$ 100.00

Diamond Antenna MX-2000 Triplexer

Diamond Antenna Triplexers are used to split or combine HF, VHF, and UHF signals.

$ 50.00

VHF/UHF Antenna with Trunk Lid Mount

VHF/UHF Antenna with Trunk Lid Mount

Kenwood SP-120 Speaker

Kenwood SP-120 Speaker

$ 65.00

D-104 Mike with No Electronics

D-104 Mike with No Electronics Click to see under Base

$ 35.00

Bencher Low Pass Filter

Low Pass Filters are designed to help you eliminate interference problems.

$ 20.00