Kenwood SM-230 Station Monitor Oscilloscope
The Kenwood SM-230 Station Monitor is a multi-function monitor scope that functions as a band-scope, monitor, and tone generator. It is the ideal product for supporting, monitoring, and calibrating equipment in radio stations.
Features | View Rear Panel
The Kenwood SM-220 Station Monitor is a multi-function monitor scope that functions as a band-scope (with BS-8 pan display option), monitor, and tone generator. It is the ideal product for supporting, monitoring, and calibrating equipment in radio stations. It can be used to observe SSB distortion, CW key clicks, and test linearity of linear amplifiers. It has four sweep ranges It also can serve as a RTTY tuning scope. Frequency range: 1.8-150 MHz. Maximum Power: 2000W 1.8-54 MHz and 100W 150 MHz (see manual for other power restrictions). IF Frequency: 455 kHz.
8.5 x 6.25 x 13.3 inches 11 Lbs. (215x153x335mm 5 kg). Click here to view rear panel.
The SM-220 is compatible with several Kenwood models including the TS-830S.
Features |
- Bandscope ±25/100/250 kHz (with optional BS-8)
- 10 MHz Oscilloscope
- Matches many Kenwood Transceivers
- Wideband Transmission Monitor
- RTTY X-Y Tuning Meter
- Built-in 1000/1575 Hz Two-Tone Generator