Astron RS-70M Power Supply
When you are in need of a reliable DC power supply, look no further than Astron Power Supplies. This line of linear DC power supplies are made of heavy-duty, high-quality materials.
Astron Power Supplies
When you are in need of a reliable DC power supply, look no further than Astron Power Supplies. This line of linear DC power supplies are made of heavy-duty, high-quality materials.
Astron has your power requirements covered with a wide variety of voltage and amperage outputs and case styles with and without meters. Even their power supplies with only cigarette lighter sockets or with Anderson Powerpoles on the front panel still have DC output terminals on the rear panel. That's convenient!
Astron linear-type transformer power supply features include:
* Solid-state electronically regulated
* Fold-back current limiting protects the power supply from excessive current and continuous shorted output
* Crowbar over-voltage protection on all models except RS-3L, RS-4L, and RS-5L
* Tight regulation and low ripple at low line input voltage
* Heavy-duty heat sink (70A models add a low noise fan)
* Three conductor power cord
* All metered units feature backlit meters
Astron Power Supplies do not disappoint!
Performance specifications:
* Input Voltage: Most models are built for 105 to 125 VAC input. Some "220" models are built for 210-250 VAC input.
* Output Voltage: As Listed
* Ripple less than 5 mv peak to peak (full load and low line)
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